Home > Latah County Fair > Latah Market Animal Sale

Latah Market Animal Sale

September 14, 2024

Registered Buyers Luncheon 12 - 1:30pm

Sale Starts at 2:00pm

2024 Sale Order: Rabbit, Beef, Goat, Sheep, Poultry, Swine

Please follow the Latah Market Animal Sale on Facebook for sale updates.

Buyer Registration Link: https://latah.fairwire.com/
Click on "Sign In", select Buyer from the drop down menu, and
continue through the prompts.

2023 Grand and Reserve Champions:

Grand Champion FFA Market Goat exhibited by Katelynn Moore and purchased by HMH Engineering.
Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Sheep exhibited by Samantha Smith and purchased by Community Bank.
Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Goat exhibited by Olivia Tyler and purchased by Hefty Seed Company.
Reserve Grand Champion 4H Market Steer exhibited by Lily Hanson and purchased by KME Specialties.
Grand Champion 4H Market Rabbit exhibited by Sheyenne M. Morgan and purchased by Hobbs Trucking.
Grand Champion FFA Market Sheep exhibited by Vincent Bass and purchased by Legacy Contractors.
Reserve Grand Champion 4H Market Swine exhibited by Amelia Frigone and purchased by Early Bird Supply.
Grand Champion 4H Market Poultry exhibited by Nathan Poler and purchased by Robert Agnes.
Grand Champion 4H Market Steer exhibited by McKenna Knott and purchased by Superior Floors Inc.
Reserve Grand Champion 4H Market Goat exhibited by Lauren Hanson and purchased by KME Specialties.
Grand Champion 4H Market Goat exhibited by Amanda Moore and purchased by Idaho Central Credit Union.
Grand Champion FFA Market Swine exhibited by Mercedes Heimgartner and purchased by JEM Forestry LLC.
Grand Champion 4H Market Sheep exhibited by Luci Bass and purchased by KME Specialties.
Grand Champion FFA Market Steer exhibited by Wade Moser and purchased by Hefty Seed Company.
Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Steer exhibited by Connor Hunt and purchased by Moscow and Pullman Building Supply.
Reserve Grand Champion 4H Market Poultry exhibited by Bree Fien and purchased by Moscow and Pullman Building Supply.
Grand Champion 4H Market Stocker exhibited by Dean Ownbey and purchased by Hatter Creek Earthworks LLC.
Reserve Grand Champion 4H Market Stocker exhibited by Paisley Hadley and purchased by Ron Van Buren.
Reserve Grand Champion Market Swine exhibited by Harley Heimgartner and purchased by 3B Showstock.

How YOU can support the 4-H and FFA Youth at the market animal sale:

Purchase / Keep Option: Buyer pays final price per pound times animal weight; take home live or make arrangements with a local packer for slaughter/processing. It is recommended that you contact a packer prior to sale day to make arrangements, however if buyer has not made prior arrangements, LMAS will assist with connecting buyers to select packers with availability. Buyer pays for animal on the day of the sale. All slaughter / processing fees are to be paid directly to the packer.

  • Local Packers:
    • C&L Lockers: (208) 882-3396 in Moscow
    • 4 Frendz: (509) 751-9888 in Clarkston
    • Vandal Meats: (208) 885-6727 in Moscow
    • Potlatch Pack: (208) 875-1361 in Potlatch
    • Garfield Meats: (509) 635-1217 in Garfield (may not be able to take Latah animals)
    • Heights Meat Market: (509) 758-5431 in Clarkston (may not be able to take Latah animals)
    • Genesee Meats – (208) 285-1321 in Genessee
    • WSU Meats – in Pullman
    • Backwoods Poultry Mobile Butchering (208) 952-9659 (poultry and rabbits only)

Turn (Re-Sale) Option: Buyer selects to re-sale (turn back to the committee) the animal at a pre-determined "floor price". Buyer will pay the difference between final auction price and the value of the "floor price". The buyer DOES NOT take ownership of the animal or receive any meat. Buyer pays day of the sale.

Add-On Support: An individual, who is registered as a buyer, also has the option to donate a specified dollar amount, directly to any participant in the sale. Payment accepted day of sale, or within 7 days after the sale. Add-On Support can be done as follows:

  • Using the online Add-On Platform
  • Day of sale, in person at the sale office, in front of the auction barn
  • By mail/email up to 7 days after the close of the sale

Sale Sponsorship: An individual or business that donates directly to the LMAS committee, to help offset the production costs of the livestock auction. If you are interested in sale sponsorship, please contact a committee member or look for the PDF Sponsorship form below.

Contact Information

For questions or comments pertaining to the livestock auction please email the Livestock Auction Committee livestockmarketsale@gmail.com

LMAS Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. Meetings are also held during Fair Week as needed. Meetings are open to the public.

If you are interested in helping to better the sale experience, please reach out to us by email, or come to a meeting; we would love to hear how you can help!

Follow us on FACEBOOK for more details and up to date information.

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